Helpline (9 AM to 6 PM)
MD (Psychiatry), FIPS Chairman & M.D.
MD (Psychiatry) Medical Director
Consultant Psychiatrist
DPM, DNB Psychiatry Associate Consultant
MD (Psychiatry), FGMH Consultant Geriatric Psychiatrist
Clinical Psychologist
RCI Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Psychotherapist
SelectLow moodFeelings of GuiltSuicidal thoughts, ideas or attemptsInsomniaLack of interest in work and activities and social interactionDecreased physical energyFear (dark, stranger, being left alone, crowd etc)Difficulty in concentrationForgetfulnessPains and aches/stiffening/jerksBlurring of vision, hot and cold flushes, feelings of weaknessConstant feeling of pain in any area of body without any physical illnessGastrointestinal issuesPicking sensationExcessive CleanlinessFear of ContaminationChecking behaviorRepeating ritualsRecurrent or repetitive sexual thoughtsNeed for symmetryHoarding tendencies Religious PreoccupationsEmotional Withdrawal or detachmentDelusions or any false belief without any rational backgroundHostilitySuspiciousnessHearing voices or seeing images not seen or heard by othersDisorientationUncooperativeness Feelings of possession or thought controlPoor Judgment Social Isolation Poor hygiene Alcohol or drug abuse A sense of desire or compulsion to take the substance Inability to terminate once startedPhysiological withdrawal affects Increased tolerance effectLack of interest in other leisure time activities or hobbiesMemory lossConfused/disoriented stateAggressive and violent behaviorElation or elevation in moodOver-talkativeness Increased physical energyOverspendingInflated sense of self worth Increased sexual urges Decreased need of sleep and appetite Impairments in reciprocal social interactionLack of response to other people’s emotions Impairments in communicationPoor flexibility in language expressionRestrictive, repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behaviorRigidity in routine Fear/PhobiasEating disturbancesTemper tantrums Self injury like wrist biting or banging of headDifficulty in understanding instructionsSlow learners Difficulty in managing basic daily routine activitiesDelayed developmental milestonesExcessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffsTendency to bear grudgesMistrustful nature and hostile tendenciesTendency to experience excessive self importanceUnconcern for the feelings of others Very low toleranceAggressive or antisocial personalityImpulsive behaviorSelf harming tendenciesChronic feelings of emptinessOver concern with physical attractivenessAttention seeking behaviorManipulative behaviorFeelings of excessive doubt and cautionVery restricted eating patternsDistorted body image Tendency to purge using activities like vomiting, excessive exercising after eatingSevere weight lossBinge eating Self esteem overly influenced by body weight Evidence of unpredictable or impulsive behaviorSudden change in life circumstances Constant feelings of hopelessnessPanic stateSudden anxiety or agitationIntent or planning of suicide Difficulty in concentratingMemory lossMood changes Mental declineInability to recognize common thingsJumbled speechSleep disordersRestlessness/wandering or getting lostUnsteady walking or gaitInability to fall asleepSleep walking Sleep terrorsNightmaresDisturbed sleep wake schedule Loss of sexual desireSexual aversion Erectile dysfunctionFailure of genital responseOrgasmic dysfunctionExcessive sexual drive Pathological Gambling Fire Setting out of pleasure and impulse Pathological Stealing Pulling hairs from head Inattention Easily distractedLeaving the tasks incomplete Difficulty in sitting stableIndiscipline in almost all situationsInterrupting work of othersTendency to finish task quickly without putting effortsInappropriately running and climbing here and thereJerking movementsStiffness of body Loss of consciousnessLoss of bowel or bladder controlRolling of eyesTongue biting Pain HeadachesMovement disordersWeakness DizzinessFainting Abdominal PainBowel ProblemsDiarrheaIncontinenceConstipation Significant memory loss of specific times, people and events Out of body experiencesA sense of detachment from emotionsLack of a sense of self identityFeelings of possession Recurrent and unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event Reliving the traumatic event (Flashbacks)Severe emotional distress
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