Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a debatable topic, and there are uncertainties regarding its diagnosis and treatment as a clinical condition (e.g., CRPS, fibromyalgia). However past few decades, tremendous progress have been made to understand the peripheral and central processes intricate in chronic pain conditions.

The standard definition of chronic pain endorsed by the International Association for the Study of Pain states that it is pain that persists past the healing phase following an injury (Merskey and Bogduk, 1994). The medical literature defines chronic pain as pain that has lasted for more than three months.

Chronic Pain

Types of chronic pain

There is a long list of chronic clinical pain conditions. These are generally labelled by their site of injury (e.g., back, head, neck, viscera) and type of injury (e.g., neuropathic, arthritic, cancer, myofascial, diabetic). Among these the most common one is chronic back pain.

Management of Chronic Pain

Medical Management:

The clinical manifestations of chronic pain are often a combination of multiple pain conditions; even in a single condition several diverse tissue types are observed to contribute. So, it is difficult for a clinician to locate the main cause and treat patient. Recent studies shows that early mobilization and the early use of effective analgesic agents (Hagen et al., 2005) can prevent from turning into a chronic condition. However, for chronic conditions, multi-disciplinary techniques utilizing non-pharmacologic, pharmacologic and anaesthesiologic interventions are variably beneficial.

Psychological intervention:

emotion emoticons used by a psychologist
Behavior problems of children
Nirvan Hospital
Anxiety and Depressions
Nirvan Hospital
happy family at home
Family Psychotherapy
Nirvan Hospital
