Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior. While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism.

While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism.

There is no clear-cut cause of ASD. Some causes that are supported by research include genetic and some environmental factors.

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nirvan Hospital

Signs and symptoms of autism

There are many signs and symptoms that could indicate a person has autism spectrum disorder.

Autism can be diagnosed by age three, though symptoms may be apparent much earlier.

The signs are

Abnormal Body Posturing or Facial Expressions, Abnormal Tone of Voice, Avoidance of Eye Contact or Poor Eye Contact, Behavioural Disturbances, Deficits in Language Comprehension, Delay in Learning to Speak, Flat or Monotonous Speech, Inappropriate Social Interaction, Lack of Empathy, Lack of Understanding Social Cues, Learning Disability or Difficulty, Not Engaging in Play With Peers, Preoccupation With Specific Topics, Problems With Two-Way Conversation, Repeating Words or Phrases, Repetitive Movements, Self-Abusive Behaviours, Social Withdrawal, Unusual Reactions in Social Settings, Using Odd Words or Phrases

In some cases, autism can be diagnosed as early as 18 months of age. Early intervention is the most effective treatment, so any signs of autism in three-year-old children should be evaluated by a professional.


There’s no cure for autism. But early treatment can make a big difference in development for a child with autism.

The two main types of treatments are:

Behavioral and communication therapy to help with structure and organization. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of these treatments; it promotes positive behavior and discourages negative behavior. Occupational therapy can help with life skills like dressing, eating, and relating to people. Sensory integration therapy might help someone who has problems with being touched or with sights or sounds. Speech therapy improves communication skills.

Medications to help with symptoms of ASD, like attention problems, hyperactivity, or anxiety. Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists at Nirvan Hospital have managed numerous cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

