Select- Select
- Low mood
- Feelings of Guilt
- Suicidal thoughts, ideas or attempts
- Insomnia
- Lack of interest in work and activities and social interaction
- Decreased physical energy
- Fear (dark, stranger, being left alone, crowd etc)
- Difficulty in concentration
- Forgetfulness
- Pains and aches/stiffening/jerks
- Blurring of vision, hot and cold flushes, feelings of weakness
- Constant feeling of pain in any area of body without any physical illness
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Picking sensation
- Excessive Cleanliness
- Fear of Contamination
- Checking behavior
- Repeating rituals
- Recurrent or repetitive sexual thoughts
- Need for symmetry
- Hoarding tendencies
- Religious Preoccupations
- Emotional Withdrawal or detachment
- Delusions or any false belief without any rational background
- Hostility
- Suspiciousness
- Hearing voices or seeing images not seen or heard by others
- Disorientation
- Uncooperativeness
- Feelings of possession or thought control
- Poor Judgment
- Social Isolation
- Poor hygiene
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- A sense of desire or compulsion to take the substance
- Inability to terminate once started
- Physiological withdrawal affects
- Increased tolerance effect
- Lack of interest in other leisure time activities or hobbies
- Memory loss
- Confused/disoriented state
- Aggressive and violent behavior
- Elation or elevation in mood
- Over-talkativeness
- Increased physical energy
- Overspending
- Inflated sense of self worth
- Increased sexual urges
- Decreased need of sleep and appetite
- Impairments in reciprocal social interaction
- Lack of response to other people’s emotions
- Impairments in communication
- Poor flexibility in language expression
- Restrictive, repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behavior
- Rigidity in routine
- Fear/Phobias
- Eating disturbances
- Temper tantrums
- Self injury like wrist biting or banging of head
- Difficulty in understanding instructions
- Slow learners
- Difficulty in managing basic daily routine activities
- Delayed developmental milestones
- Excessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffs
- Tendency to bear grudges
- Mistrustful nature and hostile tendencies
- Tendency to experience excessive self importance
- Unconcern for the feelings of others
- Very low tolerance
- Aggressive or antisocial personality
- Impulsive behavior
- Self harming tendencies
- Chronic feelings of emptiness
- Over concern with physical attractiveness
- Attention seeking behavior
- Manipulative behavior
- Feelings of excessive doubt and caution
- Very restricted eating patterns
- Distorted body image
- Tendency to purge using activities like vomiting, excessive exercising after eating
- Severe weight loss
- Binge eating
- Self esteem overly influenced by body weight
- Evidence of unpredictable or impulsive behavior
- Sudden change in life circumstances
- Constant feelings of hopelessness
- Panic state
- Sudden anxiety or agitation
- Intent or planning of suicide
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Memory loss
- Mood changes
- Mental decline
- Inability to recognize common things
- Jumbled speech
- Sleep disorders
- Restlessness/wandering or getting lost
- Unsteady walking or gait
- Inability to fall asleep
- Sleep walking
- Sleep terrors
- Nightmares
- Disturbed sleep wake schedule
- Loss of sexual desire
- Sexual aversion
- Erectile dysfunction
- Failure of genital response
- Orgasmic dysfunction
- Excessive sexual drive
- Pathological Gambling
- Fire Setting out of pleasure and impulse
- Pathological Stealing
- Pulling hairs from head
- Inattention
- Easily distracted
- Leaving the tasks incomplete
- Difficulty in sitting stable
- Indiscipline in almost all situations
- Interrupting work of others
- Tendency to finish task quickly without putting efforts
- Inappropriately running and climbing here and there
- Jerking movements
- Stiffness of body
- Loss of consciousness
- Loss of bowel or bladder control
- Rolling of eyes
- Tongue biting
- Pain
- Headaches
- Movement disorders
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Abdominal Pain
- Bowel Problems
- Diarrhea
- Incontinence
- Constipation
- Significant memory loss of specific times, people and events
- Out of body experiences
- A sense of detachment from emotions
- Lack of a sense of self identity
- Feelings of possession
- Recurrent and unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event
- Reliving the traumatic event (Flashbacks)
- Severe emotional distress
Select- Select
- Low mood
- Feelings of Guilt
- Suicidal thoughts, ideas or attempts
- Insomnia
- Lack of interest in work and activities and social interaction
- Decreased physical energy
- Fear (dark, stranger, being left alone, crowd etc)
- Difficulty in concentration
- Forgetfulness
- Pains and aches/stiffening/jerks
- Blurring of vision, hot and cold flushes, feelings of weakness
- Constant feeling of pain in any area of body without any physical illness
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Picking sensation
- Excessive Cleanliness
- Fear of Contamination
- Checking behavior
- Repeating rituals
- Recurrent or repetitive sexual thoughts
- Need for symmetry
- Hoarding tendencies
- Religious Preoccupations
- Emotional Withdrawal or detachment
- Delusions or any false belief without any rational background
- Hostility
- Suspiciousness
- Hearing voices or seeing images not seen or heard by others
- Disorientation
- Uncooperativeness
- Feelings of possession or thought control
- Poor Judgment
- Social Isolation
- Poor hygiene
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- A sense of desire or compulsion to take the substance
- Inability to terminate once started
- Physiological withdrawal affects
- Increased tolerance effect
- Lack of interest in other leisure time activities or hobbies
- Memory loss
- Confused/disoriented state
- Aggressive and violent behavior
- Elation or elevation in mood
- Over-talkativeness
- Increased physical energy
- Overspending
- Inflated sense of self worth
- Increased sexual urges
- Decreased need of sleep and appetite
- Impairments in reciprocal social interaction
- Lack of response to other people’s emotions
- Impairments in communication
- Poor flexibility in language expression
- Restrictive, repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behavior
- Rigidity in routine
- Fear/Phobias
- Eating disturbances
- Temper tantrums
- Self injury like wrist biting or banging of head
- Difficulty in understanding instructions
- Slow learners
- Difficulty in managing basic daily routine activities
- Delayed developmental milestones
- Excessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffs
- Tendency to bear grudges
- Mistrustful nature and hostile tendencies
- Tendency to experience excessive self importance
- Unconcern for the feelings of others
- Very low tolerance
- Aggressive or antisocial personality
- Impulsive behavior
- Self harming tendencies
- Chronic feelings of emptiness
- Over concern with physical attractiveness
- Attention seeking behavior
- Manipulative behavior
- Feelings of excessive doubt and caution
- Very restricted eating patterns
- Distorted body image
- Tendency to purge using activities like vomiting, excessive exercising after eating
- Severe weight loss
- Binge eating
- Self esteem overly influenced by body weight
- Evidence of unpredictable or impulsive behavior
- Sudden change in life circumstances
- Constant feelings of hopelessness
- Panic state
- Sudden anxiety or agitation
- Intent or planning of suicide
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Memory loss
- Mood changes
- Mental decline
- Inability to recognize common things
- Jumbled speech
- Sleep disorders
- Restlessness/wandering or getting lost
- Unsteady walking or gait
- Inability to fall asleep
- Sleep walking
- Sleep terrors
- Nightmares
- Disturbed sleep wake schedule
- Loss of sexual desire
- Sexual aversion
- Erectile dysfunction
- Failure of genital response
- Orgasmic dysfunction
- Excessive sexual drive
- Pathological Gambling
- Fire Setting out of pleasure and impulse
- Pathological Stealing
- Pulling hairs from head
- Inattention
- Easily distracted
- Leaving the tasks incomplete
- Difficulty in sitting stable
- Indiscipline in almost all situations
- Interrupting work of others
- Tendency to finish task quickly without putting efforts
- Inappropriately running and climbing here and there
- Jerking movements
- Stiffness of body
- Loss of consciousness
- Loss of bowel or bladder control
- Rolling of eyes
- Tongue biting
- Pain
- Headaches
- Movement disorders
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Abdominal Pain
- Bowel Problems
- Diarrhea
- Incontinence
- Constipation
- Significant memory loss of specific times, people and events
- Out of body experiences
- A sense of detachment from emotions
- Lack of a sense of self identity
- Feelings of possession
- Recurrent and unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event
- Reliving the traumatic event (Flashbacks)
- Severe emotional distress
Select- Select
- Low mood
- Feelings of Guilt
- Suicidal thoughts, ideas or attempts
- Insomnia
- Lack of interest in work and activities and social interaction
- Decreased physical energy
- Fear (dark, stranger, being left alone, crowd etc)
- Difficulty in concentration
- Forgetfulness
- Pains and aches/stiffening/jerks
- Blurring of vision, hot and cold flushes, feelings of weakness
- Constant feeling of pain in any area of body without any physical illness
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Picking sensation
- Excessive Cleanliness
- Fear of Contamination
- Checking behavior
- Repeating rituals
- Recurrent or repetitive sexual thoughts
- Need for symmetry
- Hoarding tendencies
- Religious Preoccupations
- Emotional Withdrawal or detachment
- Delusions or any false belief without any rational background
- Hostility
- Suspiciousness
- Hearing voices or seeing images not seen or heard by others
- Disorientation
- Uncooperativeness
- Feelings of possession or thought control
- Poor Judgment
- Social Isolation
- Poor hygiene
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- A sense of desire or compulsion to take the substance
- Inability to terminate once started
- Physiological withdrawal affects
- Increased tolerance effect
- Lack of interest in other leisure time activities or hobbies
- Memory loss
- Confused/disoriented state
- Aggressive and violent behavior
- Elation or elevation in mood
- Over-talkativeness
- Increased physical energy
- Overspending
- Inflated sense of self worth
- Increased sexual urges
- Decreased need of sleep and appetite
- Impairments in reciprocal social interaction
- Lack of response to other people’s emotions
- Impairments in communication
- Poor flexibility in language expression
- Restrictive, repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behavior
- Rigidity in routine
- Fear/Phobias
- Eating disturbances
- Temper tantrums
- Self injury like wrist biting or banging of head
- Difficulty in understanding instructions
- Slow learners
- Difficulty in managing basic daily routine activities
- Delayed developmental milestones
- Excessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffs
- Tendency to bear grudges
- Mistrustful nature and hostile tendencies
- Tendency to experience excessive self importance
- Unconcern for the feelings of others
- Very low tolerance
- Aggressive or antisocial personality
- Impulsive behavior
- Self harming tendencies
- Chronic feelings of emptiness
- Over concern with physical attractiveness
- Attention seeking behavior
- Manipulative behavior
- Feelings of excessive doubt and caution
- Very restricted eating patterns
- Distorted body image
- Tendency to purge using activities like vomiting, excessive exercising after eating
- Severe weight loss
- Binge eating
- Self esteem overly influenced by body weight
- Evidence of unpredictable or impulsive behavior
- Sudden change in life circumstances
- Constant feelings of hopelessness
- Panic state
- Sudden anxiety or agitation
- Intent or planning of suicide
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Memory loss
- Mood changes
- Mental decline
- Inability to recognize common things
- Jumbled speech
- Sleep disorders
- Restlessness/wandering or getting lost
- Unsteady walking or gait
- Inability to fall asleep
- Sleep walking
- Sleep terrors
- Nightmares
- Disturbed sleep wake schedule
- Loss of sexual desire
- Sexual aversion
- Erectile dysfunction
- Failure of genital response
- Orgasmic dysfunction
- Excessive sexual drive
- Pathological Gambling
- Fire Setting out of pleasure and impulse
- Pathological Stealing
- Pulling hairs from head
- Inattention
- Easily distracted
- Leaving the tasks incomplete
- Difficulty in sitting stable
- Indiscipline in almost all situations
- Interrupting work of others
- Tendency to finish task quickly without putting efforts
- Inappropriately running and climbing here and there
- Jerking movements
- Stiffness of body
- Loss of consciousness
- Loss of bowel or bladder control
- Rolling of eyes
- Tongue biting
- Pain
- Headaches
- Movement disorders
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Abdominal Pain
- Bowel Problems
- Diarrhea
- Incontinence
- Constipation
- Significant memory loss of specific times, people and events
- Out of body experiences
- A sense of detachment from emotions
- Lack of a sense of self identity
- Feelings of possession
- Recurrent and unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event
- Reliving the traumatic event (Flashbacks)
- Severe emotional distress
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